Press Release from Dr. Ahmad Sarmast

For Immediate Release
August 22, 2024 

Afghanistan National Institute of Music Denounces Taliban’s Destruction of More Than 21,000 Musical Instruments

Braga, Portugal – The Afghanistan National Institute of Music (ANIM) strongly condemns the Taliban's recent destruction of more than 21,000 musical instruments in Afghanistan, which represents an unprecedented attack on the country’s rich cultural heritage and the rights of Afghan citizens to express themselves through music.

The deliberate annihilation of these instruments is not only a direct assault on Afghanistan’s musical traditions but also a broader violation of human rights, particularly the right to artistic and cultural expression. Music has been an integral part of Afghan identity for centuries, fostering community, peace, and understanding among the country's diverse peoples.

ANIM, which has worked tirelessly to preserve Afghanistan’s musical traditions, views this act as a heartbreaking setback in its mission to protect and promote Afghan music. The destruction of instruments is yet another devastating blow in a series of oppressive measures that have silenced Afghan artists, musicians, and cultural practitioners since the Taliban's return to power.

"We are outraged and deeply saddened by this senseless destruction," said Dr. Ahmad Sarmast, founder and director of ANIM. "The Taliban's actions are not only an attack on musical instruments, but an assault on the spirit of freedom, creativity, and the vibrant cultural legacy of Afghanistan. They have tried to silence the voice of a nation, but music cannot be erased from the hearts and minds of the Afghan people."

ANIM remains committed to its work in preserving Afghanistan’s musical traditions, providing music education for displaced Afghan youth, and advocating for the restoration of musical rights in Afghanistan. This tragic incident further strengthens our resolve to protect Afghan music and ensure it continues to thrive despite this oppression.

We call on the international community, human rights organizations, and cultural institutions worldwide to condemn these acts of cultural destruction and to support the preservation of Afghan music, which has been silenced in its homeland but lives on through the resilience of its people.

 About ANIM 

The Afghanistan National Institute of Music (ANIM) is dedicated to the promotion and preservation of Afghan music, music education, and the restoration of musical and cultural rights for all Afghans. It serves as a beacon for Afghan youth and artists, ensuring that music and culture remain vital forces of expression, identity, and peace. ANIM is currently headquartered in Portugal, where it continues to work for the protection of Afghan music in exile.

For more information, contact:  
Afghanistan National Institute of Music (ANIM)  
Phone: +61 421981246 WhatsApp: +93 796542952